Hairy Plastics

"Hairy Plastics play music heavily influenced by Oriental, Balkan and Celtic traditions. One song will take you to the streets of Istanbul, the next somewhere midst the Cork & Kerry mountains, the next song a waltz.... Music that lifts the soul and takes it on holiday for a few hours. Is it Trad? is it Jazz? is it World Music? or is it re-incarnated traditional music, as Dylan Gully the clarinetist likes to describe these musical excursions.
Phil Bergan (Feile Africa )


A unique alchemy of sounds, compositions and songs, rooted in the earth of traditions, growing or flying into transes, resonances, a journey among cultures, a journey within. OUD / GUITAR / CLARINET / PERCUSSIONS


"On the beach we found this piece of incongruous plastic, like a shade, or a crab trap that was covered with small shells and on which grew small sea weed, such as hair ... this scalp is a symbol of resilience, the ability of life to cling and compost even the worst crap. Maybe it's also what we can do through music, through live music, maybe we can use sounds, languages, traditional or artificial cultures to compose our emotions, to mix all that in a great outburst of vitality which would yield by chance, or by the incalculable rules of the marine currents, fragments scattered with memories to be treated."

"You might have seen Dylan here before, with another of his fabulous projects, Zetadâm Trio, Txütxükan, Lazik, Pas d'Nom Pas d'Maison or maybe in that video of The Harp The Accordion and the Ugly recorded in Galway that went viral with their street rendition of The Game of Thrones theme a few years back. One thing's for sure, this will be a highly unusual and high quality show for people who really love listening to music. I doubt there will be anything to sing along to, but if any songs inspire you to break out into a belly-dance at any stage, no one will complain I'm sure! You'll have time to see them again somewhere before they hop on the ferry back home, now that you know that you want to."
P.B. (Feile Africa, ClonaTeeVee)

"Sparklingly brilliant music / amazing diversity of styles - really enjoyed this treat!!"`

"The energy you create between you is amazing Ill be coming to see you again as soon as poss!"

"Brilliant! Verygoodgigthankyou"

"Genial! Words fail me!"

"I didn't know i was gay until i saw the hairy plastics playing at the Friary. Astonishing they are! Flabbergasted I am !"